Author(s): Newman-Casey PA (1), Blachley T (2), Lee PP (3), Heisler M (4), Farris KB (5), Stein JD (3) 1 Department of Ophthalmology and Visual...
September 30, 2015
Author(s): Takihara Y (1), Inatani M (2), Eto K (3), Inoue T (4), Kreymerman A (5), Miyake S (6), Ueno S (7), Nagaya M (7), Nakanishi A (7), Iwao K...
September 30, 2015
The science behind the tip Transient visual disturbance after trabeculectomy is common and it can take several months for the vision to recover....
July 31, 2015
Author(s): Lee J (1), Choi J (2), Jeong D (1), Kim S (1), Kook MS (3) 1 Department of Ophthalmology, College of Medicine, University of Ulsan, Asan...
July 31, 2015
Author(s): Bogner B (1), Boye SL (2), Min SH (2), Peterson JJ (2), Ruan Q (2), Zhang Z (1), Reitsamer HA (1), Hauswirth WW (2), Boye SE (2) 1...
July 31, 2015
The science behind the tip The diagnosis and management of all types of glaucoma is dependent on the accurate evaluation of the angle and its...
June 30, 2015
The science behind the tip Patients with ocular hypertension and pseudoexfoliaton syndrome are twice as likely to convert to glaucoma as those...
June 30, 2015
Author(s): Muth DR, Hirneiß CW PURPOSE: This study was performed to evaluate the structure-function relationship between Bruch's membrane opening...
June 30, 2015
Author(s): Bosco A (1), Romero CO (2), Ambati BK (3), Vetter ML (2) 1 Department of Neurobiology & Anatomy, University of Utah;...
June 30, 2015
Author(s): Zagora SL(1), Funnell CL(2), Martin FJ(3), Smith JE(3), Hing S(4), Billson FA(3), Veillard AS(5), Jamieson RV(6), Grigg JR(7) 1...
May 31, 2015
The science behind the tip Intraocular pressure (IOP) is significantly higher in the supine position than in the sitting position. Progressive...
April 30, 2015
Author(s): Park SC, Brumm J, Furlanetto RL, Netto C, Liu Y, Tello C, Liebmann JM, Ritch R 1 Department of Ophthalmology, Manhattan Eye, Ear and...
April 30, 2015
Author(s): Aung T, Ozaki M, Mizoguchi T, Allingham RR, Li Z, Haripriya A, Nakano S, Uebe S, Harder JM, Chan AS, Lee MC, Burdon KP, Astakhov YS,...
April 30, 2015
The science behind the tip It is well known that SD OCT can discriminate with reasonable accuracy between healthy volunteers and glaucoma patients...
March 31, 2015
Author(s): Jonas JB (1), Wang NL (2), Yang D (3), Ritch R (4), Panda-Jonas S (5) 1 Department of Ophthalmology, Medical Faculty Mannheim of the...
March 31, 2015
Author(s): El-Danaf RN (1), Huberman AD (2) 1 Department of Neurosciences, Neurobiology Section in the Division of Biological Sciences, and...
March 31, 2015
The science behind the tip Many commonly used systemic medications have been reported to cause acute congestive angle closure in individuals with...
February 28, 2015
Author(s): Kim KE(1), Jeoung JW(2), Kim DM(1), Ahn SJ(3), Park KH(1), Kim SH(4) 1 Department of Ophthalmology, Seoul National University College of...
February 28, 2015
Author(s): Stankowska DL (1), Minton AZ (2), Rutledge MD (3), Mueller BH (4), Phatak NR (5), He S (6), Ma HY (7), Forster MJ (8), Yorio T (9),...
February 28, 2015
The science behind the tip Systemic beta-blockers and nitrates are frequently used in the elderly. It has been known for many years that systemic...
January 31, 2015
Author(s): Chan CH (1), Trope GE (2), Badley EM (3), Buys Y (4), Jin YP (5) 1 Division of Health Care and Outcomes Research, Toronto Western...
January 31, 2015
Author(s): Wu J (1), Zhang S (1), Nickerson JM (2), Gao F (3), Sun Z (4), Chen X (3), Zhang S (3), Zhang R (3), Gao F (3), Chen J (3), Luo Y (3),...
January 31, 2015
The Science behind the Tip The transient, yet significant, IOP elevation caused by the suction ring may further damage an already compromised optic...
December 31, 2014
Author(s): Su CC(1), Hu FR(2), Wang TH(2), Huang JY(2), Yeh PT(2), Lin CP(2), Wang IJ(3) 1 Department of Ophthalmology, National Taiwan University...
December 31, 2014
Author(s): Guo L(1), Davis B(1), Nizari S(1), Normando EM(2), Shi H(3), Galvao J(1), Turner L(1), Shi J(4), Clements M(5), Parrinello S(5),...
December 31, 2014