Author(s): Kim YW (1), Park KH (2) 1 Ophthalmology, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Republic of Korea. 2 Ophthalmology, Seoul National...
October 31, 2019
Author(s): Faiq MA (1), Wollstein G (1), Schuman JS (1), Chan KC (2) 1 Department of Ophthalmology, New York University (NYU) School of Medicine,...
October 31, 2019
SIG Corner Editor: João Barbosa Breda Chair: Leopold Schmetterer Co-chair: Luis Abegão Pinto 1. Ongoing projects The Ocular Blood Flow SIG and its...
October 24, 2019
Pearls Manager: Andrew Tatham The corneal wedge method is helpful for identifying Schwalbe’s line, a collagen condensation of the Descemet’s...
October 22, 2019
The Science behind the Tip (1,2) It is well-established that damage to macular retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) occurs early in glaucoma (1). Not...
September 30, 2019
Author(s): Rong AJ (1), Swaminathan SS (2), Vanner EA (3), Parrish RK 2nd (3) 1 Department of Ophthalmology, Bascom Palmer Eye Institute,...
September 30, 2019
Author(s): Juźwik CA (1), Sage-Drake S (2), Zhang Y (3), Paradis-Isler N (4), Sylvester A (5), Amar-Zifkin A (6), Douglas C (7), Morquette B (8),...
September 30, 2019
SIG Corner Editor: João Barbosa Breda Chair: Ananth Viswanathan Co-chair: Fotis Topouzis NGP Co-chair: Anthony Khawaja NGP Co-chair: Panayiota...
September 30, 2019
Pearls Manager: Andrew Tatham Cup/disc ratio (CDR) depends on optic disc size. A large CDR in an eye with a normal large disc may be erroneously...
September 30, 2019
The Science behind the Tip (1,2,3) The incidence of reported dysphotopsias after an LPI varies from 2% to 11% with linear dysphotopsia and...
July 31, 2019
The Science behind the Tip Where glaucoma predominantly affects one eye, monocular therapy may be used. Prostaglandin analogues are widely used as...
July 31, 2019
Author(s): Hirooka K (1), Nitta E (2), Ukegawa K (2), Sato S (2), Kiuchi Y (3) 1 Ophthalmology and Visual Science, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima,...
July 31, 2019
Author(s): Pérez de Lara MJ (1), Avilés-Trigueros M (2), Guzmán-Aránguez A (1), Valiente-Soriano FJ (2), de la Villa P (3), Vidal-Sanz M (4),...
July 31, 2019
Pearls Manager: Andrew Tatham Obstacles to glaucoma medication adherence include; 1) situational and environmental factors such as major life...
July 30, 2019
SIG Corner Editor: João Barbosa Breda Chair: Julián Garcia-Feijoo Co-chair: Keith Barton 1. Ongoing projects SURGERY REGISTRY The European Glaucoma...
July 26, 2019
Author(s): Alan P Rotchford (1), John Hughes (2), Pankaj Kumar Agarwal (3), Andrew J Tatham (3) Ophthalmology, Tennent Institute of Ophthalmology,...
July 20, 2019
The Science behind the Tip It is well known that if poor technique is used when a drop is applied to the eye it does not reach its target. This can...
June 30, 2019
Author(s): Baek SU (1,2), Ha A (3,4), Kim DW (5,6), Jeoung JW (3,4), Park KH (3,4), Kim YK (7,4) 1 Department of Ophthalmology, Hallym University...
June 30, 2019
Author(s): Kim YC (1), Koo YH (2), Jung KI (3), Park CK (3) 1 Department of Ophthalmology, College of Medicine, Incheon St. Mary's Hospital, The...
June 30, 2019
Pearls Manager: Andrew Tatham Topical, intravitreal or systemic corticosteroids can induce acute or chronic intraocular pressure elevation. Risk...
June 30, 2019
SIG Corner Editor: João Barbosa Breda Chair: Francesca Cordeiro Co-chair: Miriam Kolko 1. Goals of the SIG SIG neuroprotection forms the basis of...
June 27, 2019
The Science behind the Tip The LiGHT trial compared two treatment pathways for treatment naïve ocular hypertension and mild to moderate glaucoma....
May 31, 2019
Author(s): Kim YW (1), Park KH (2) 1 Ophthalmology, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Republic of Korea. 2 Ophthalmology, Seoul National...
May 31, 2019
Author(s): He JN (1,2), Zhang SD (3), Qu Y (2), Wang HL (2), Tham CC (1), Pang CP (1), Chu WK (4) 1 Department of Ophthalmology and Visual...
May 31, 2019
SIG Corner Editor: João Barbosa Breda Chair: John Thygesen Co-chair: Gus Gazzard 1. Goals and Activities of the SIG The Angle Closure SIG promotes...
May 30, 2019